Compost is just like your own dish cooking. More varied your ingredients are the tasty, it becomes. Of course this article uses the analogy of cooking, your ingredients must be the exact amount. Not only that, also, you need to placed at the right time. Here is actually a practical guide base you in the production of hay to compost.
Your documents are compost bin, Brown components and green elements, PVC pipe, driller, son, cage and a dose of patience.
Compost bin creation is easy.Only the wire in a round shape bending and crimp both ends together to produce a cage.Maintenant put the driller bit and make holes that are equally spaced on the sides of the pipe. Then, put the PVC pipe in based on case created son.
The next step is to fill in location of compost produced with your hardware.Produce a base of Hay, 12-inch thick, just the bottom caged fils.Placé a heap of two inches of grass clippings and the remains of vegetables from the top of the hay. Now add another pile of pieces of vegetables and cuts of grass, this time about 12 inches thick. Finish with a layer, about two inches of peat.
This process must be repeated until your deliveries the skimmed from the cage.Vous still have to observe the thickness of each stack, even if cook them is the second last step.Just moist stack with water from a water pipe.Introduce water evenly, but not too much.Just make sure that reach you spongy kind of humidity.
The last part, if it takes patience.Chaque and every two weeks, your resources fairly well mélanger.Vous know when it happens, when reach you black consistency and rich in the tas.Maintenant, you are ready to place your compost to your garden soil.
Compost Hay is as that of adequate resources, correct mixture correct timing and proper attitude.
Advice and guide on how to buy compost and secrecy to buy an organic compost to
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